Americord Promotes Client Bill of Rights During Cord Blood Awareness Month
New York, NY July 2021 – As part of Cord Blood Awareness Month, Americord Registry reminds expecting parents of the Americord Client Bill of Rights. The Client Bill of Rights helps expecting parents become further educated on the benefits of stem cell banking and to become aware of their banking options before they make a financial commitment. The Client Bill of Rights informs and clarifies the outcomes and benefits from banking a child’s cord blood, cord tissue, and placental tissue.
“We believe Cord Blood Awareness Month is a fitting time to remind expecting parents of our Client Bill of Rights”, said Martin Smithmyer, Founder and CEO. “These cells are incredibly valuable, not just because of the groundbreaking treatments that have already been developed, but because of the immense potential shown in advanced clinical trials underway around the world. Cord Blood Awareness Month is an important reminder for families to research their options. We believe informed families will make the best long-term health decisions for their children and loved ones.”
The Bill of Rights contains points addressing transparency regarding collection processing and results, honesty about the benefits and limitations of stem cell therapies, and assurances of privacy and security.
“We recognize that researching stem cell medicine is complicated. Americord is committed to bringing honesty and transparency to the cord blood banking industry. For 12 years, Americord has been committed to the principles contained in this Bill of Rights. We want families to know that their best interests and long-term health are our entire focus,” said Smithmyer.
Please see the complete Client Bill of Rights at
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