BioBanking & Genomic Services
Banking your baby’s stem cells and perinatal tissues is one of the most important choices you’ll ever make for your child, and we’re here to help! You’ll find all the insights and information you’ll need to make the best decision for your family.
How Umbilical Cord Blood Can Save Someone’s Life
If you've been considering keeping umbilical cord stem cells banked for your family, it’s important to understand how stem cell medicine actually works.
Should You Store or Donate Your Child’s Umbilical Cord Blood?
The growing field of stem cell medicine has expecting families excited about the future. This blog uncover the truth about saving your newborn's cord blood.
Can Placental Tissue Be Used to Treat Burn Victims?
Expecting parents, how can placental tissue banking help your family in the future and is there a benefit to help treat burn victims? Let's find out!
7 Cord Blood Banking Myths Debunked
When considering any investment in your family’s future, it’s normal to want to take the time to fully research every option. We’ve compiled seven cord blood banking myths.
What is a Cord Blood Bank Quality Guarantee?
While searching for the right cord blood bank for your family, you’ve likely come across something called a “quality guarantee."
What Our Clients Are Saying
Listen to what our clients say about their decision to bank their newborn’s cord blood banking, and give us a call when you’re ready to discuss it for your family.
What is Cord Blood Banking and How Does It Work?
Of all of the many decisions that need to be made before your baby arrives, affordable cord blood banking can be one of the most confusing ones – and that makes sense!
What are Adult Stem Cells?
In this article, we'll give you a quick rundown of the different types of adult stem cells and how they differentiate.
Is Cord Blood Banking Worth It?
As more and more families choose to invest in their newborn’s future with cord blood banking, you may be asking yourself if cord blood banking is right for your family.