BioBanking & Genomic Services
Banking your baby’s stem cells and perinatal tissues is one of the most important choices you’ll ever make for your child, and we’re here to help! You’ll find all the insights and information you’ll need to make the best decision for your family.
The Truth About Stem Cells
In recent months, some articles have been published exposing the exaggerated promises – and occasionally dangerous actions – of some stem cell clinics.
What Are the Possible Side Effects of Heparin?
What is Heparin? Are there any risks involved with heparin uses? We answer all this in our newest blog so if you want to know more be sure to read this post.
All About Cord Blood Banking: Wednesday Wisdom
Read this interview between Kirsten Brunner, MA, LPC. and Martin Smithmyer, the founder and CEO of Americord, to learn more about cord blood banking.
Can Cord Blood Be Used for Siblings?
By banking your newborn’s cord blood, you could be storing a treatment not just for them, but for their siblings.
What The Maternal Blood Draw Is And When To Do It
The Maternal Blood Draw is a sample of the mother’s blood that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires all cord blood banking companies to obtain.
The Founding Fathers of Cord Blood Banking: Dr. Hal Broxmeyer, Dr. Robert A. Dracker and Martin Smithmyer
Let's learn about the history of cord blood banking and who we can thank for years of development. From the first founding father, to the founder of Americord.
Cord Blood Banking & Living Abroad: Why Americord is the Best Choice
At Americord, we strive to make cord blood storage and banking as easy as possible with policies that address clients’ real life situations.
Americord Cord Blood Collection Kit: Why Is It Better
The cord blood collection kit matters when choosing a cord blood bank. Americord has taken steps to make sure our kit excels at every step of the process.
Cord Blood Banking: A Guide to the Basics and Benefits
Since you only have one chance to save your newborn's umbilical cord blood, it’s important to understand the potential benefits, process, and alternatives.