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Should You Store or Donate Your Child’s Umbilical Cord Blood?
The growing field of stem cell medicine has expecting families excited about the future. This blog uncover the truth about saving your newborn's cord blood.
Tips to Prepare for Motherhood
Navigating motherhood can be difficult, especially for first-time Moms! We've put together some tips to help you prepare.
Can Newborn Stem Cells Be Used for Osteoarthritis Treatment?
Arthritis feels inevitable, but what if there was treatment available when it shows up? Let's discuss how newborn stem cells can be used for Osteoarthritis.
Can Placental Tissue Be Used to Treat Burn Victims?
Expecting parents, how can placental tissue banking help your family in the future and is there a benefit to help treat burn victims? Let's find out!
7 Cord Blood Banking Myths Debunked
When considering any investment in your family’s future, it’s normal to want to take the time to fully research every option. We’ve compiled seven cord blood banking myths.
Stem Cell Treatments for Diabetes
Researchers from around the world are dedicated to unlocking the power of stem cells to help treat Diabetes, a condition that affects so many people.
What is a Cord Blood Bank Quality Guarantee?
While searching for the right cord blood bank for your family, you’ve likely come across something called a “quality guarantee."
What Our Clients Are Saying
Listen to what our clients say about their decision to bank their newborn’s cord blood banking, and give us a call when you’re ready to discuss it for your family.
Stem Cell Treatments for COVID-19
Can stem cells really be used to treat viral infections like COVID-19?