What is Cord Blood Banking?

Cord blood banking is the safe and painless collection, processing, and storage of your newborn’s umbilical cord stem cells. When your baby is born, whether you choose to delay cord clamping or not, there is leftover blood found in their umbilical cord. This blood is known as cord blood. Cord blood is rich in stem cells, and these cells have the remarkable capacity to transform into various types of cells and tissues - meaning they have immense healing potential.

Five red compartment storage bag.

How is Cord Blood Stored?

Our proprietary 5-compartment storage bag was designed to allow cord blood stem cells to be evenly distributed between 5 separate compartments. This storage method provides greater flexibility to use the precise number of stem cells for a specific treatment, giving families more options for multiple treatments.

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A magnified image of a blood cell displaying purple and blue spots

What are Cord Blood Stem Cells?

Cord blood contains a special type of stem cell called a hematopoietic stem cell (HSC). HSCs are multipotent stem cells that have the capacity for self-renewal in the body and the potential to turn into mature blood cell types. The purpose of a HSC transplantation is to restore the body's ability to make blood and immune cells.
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How is Cord Blood Processed and Stored?

Americord’s CryoMaxx™ Cord Blood Processing unlocks the full potential of your baby’s cord blood. The process is based on the Rubenstein method to manually isolate a higher yield of cord blood hematopoietic stem cells (compared to automated processing) for your family. These HSCs are combined with a cryoprotectant to protect the cells during the controlled-rate freezing process to ensure their viability. The cord blood stem cells are stored in 5-compartment bags to ensure maximum flexibility to use the precise number of stem cells, while also having more options for multiple treatments.

Learn More About the Collection Process
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How Does Cord Blood Banking Work?


Hello, Baby!

Your baby is born with the umbilical cord attached, the cord will be clamped and cut so the baby can be cleaned and cared for.


Your doctor or midwife draws cord blood from the clamped cord into a special collection bag.


When the collection kit is ready, our courier picks it up and expedites the delivery to our lab.

Lab Processing

Our manual testing and processing is customized to your delivery. We optimize the amount of stem cell product stored based on your specific cord blood collection.


We store the stem cells in specially designed 5-compartment bags, giving families the option of multiple therapies from a single cord blood collection.


The cord blood stem cells will be preserved in a liquid nitrogen storage tank (-196° C) inside our secure lab facility.

Questions About Cord Blood Banking?

Our Stem Cell Consultants are here to help. Chat now or schedule a free consultation for one on one guidance to answer all of yours questions.

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Who Should Bank Umbilical Cord Blood?

Cord blood banking offers a unique opportunity for all families to secure a valuable resource for potential future medical treatments. Families with a medical history of genetic disorders or hereditary diseases should especially consider cord blood banking, as it provides a personalized and readily accessible source of stem cells that may be crucial in addressing specific health challenges unique to their lineage. However, the nature of illness is that sometimes we never know what may happen in the future. Preparing for your family’s future health is invaluable, just like the regenerative properties of cord blood stem cells.

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Family toddler kissing unborn baby americord

What is Cord Blood Used For?

Cord blood is a valuable resource with diverse applications in medical treatments. FDA-approved treatments utilizing cord blood stem cells have demonstrated success in conditions such as leukemia, lymphoma, and certain genetic disorders. Today, there are over 80 conditions that can be treated with stem cells from the umbilical cord. In addition to this, there are 100s of clinical trials studying biotherapies using cord blood stem cells to treat neurologic, autoimmune, cardiovascular, genetic, metabolic, and orthopedic conditions.

Full List of Cord Blood Treatments

FDA-Approved Treatments

A woman holds a child as a medical professional administers a vaccine, ensuring the child's health and protection.

Malignant Diseases




Myelodysplastic Syndrome 


Multiple Myeloma 

Solid Tumors

A cheerful young girl standing on a basketball court.

Non-Malignant Diseases & Congenital Conditions


Sickle Cell Disease 


Diamond-Blackfan Anemia 

Severe Combined Immunodeficiency 

Pure Red Cell Aplasia 


A caring mother gently touches the forehead of a young girl, showing concern and affection.

Metabolic Disorders

Gunther Disease 

Hunter Syndrome (MPS-II) 

Hurler Syndrome (MPS-IH) 

Krabbe Disease 

Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis 

Niemann-Pick Disease 

Tay-Sachs Disease

Clinical Trials Using Cord Blood

Mother and daughter smiling and walking.

Non-Blood Related Diseases


Cerebral Palsy 

Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome 

Acquired Hearing Loss 

Alzheimer’s Disease 


Doctor examining patient in hospital bed.

Autoimmune Disorders

Type 1 Diabetes 




Crohn’s Disease 

Alopecia Areata

An elderly man holding his chest, while sitting on a bed.

Injuries & Orthopedic Conditions


Damaged Cartilage in Joints 

Spinal Cord Injuries 



Osteochondral Lesion of Talus

The Difference Between Cord Blood and Cord Tissue Banking

The primary intent of cord blood banking is to isolate and cryogenically preserve hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) found in cord blood. Whereas the primary intent of cord tissue banking is to process and cryogenically preserve the cord tissue which contains mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), growth factors, and cytokines. 


Cord blood HSCs are FDA-approved to treat over 80 blood-related diseases and disorders. Treatments include various types of blood cancers and disorders and metabolic and immune disorders. In addition, there are 100s of ongoing clinical trials researching treatment options using HSCs for neurological disorders, traumatic brain injuries, cardiovascular disease, and autoimmune disorders. 


Cord tissue is more versatile due to it containing MSCs, growth factors, and cytokines. It has potential applications that are distinct from applications using cord blood HSCs. There are 100s of clinical trials researching treatment options for Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and orthopedic diseases and disorders. 


Together, cord blood and cord tissue could be the future of regenerative medicine. Many expectant parents choose to preserve both to provide the widest potential scope of treatment options for the future.

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A young child gently kissing mother's baby bump.

Be Prepared for the Unknown.

You only have one chance to preserve your baby’s life-saving stem cells, and that’s the day they are born. Secure your family’s health by enrolling in stem cell banking today.

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A young child gently carrying and  kissing a baby's.

More About Cord Blood Banking

Two kids enjoying nature in a park, sitting on the green grass.

Can Cord Blood Be Used for Siblings?

Cord blood is a valuable resource that has immense medical potential, but the question is - who can you your newborn's cord blood stem cells?
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Pregnant woman holding a piggy bank in front of her belly with man holding her stomach and putting a coin in the bank.

How Much Does Cord Blood Banking Cost?

Understanding the cost of cord blood banking can help expecting parents make informed decisions. We're breaking down collection, processing, storage, and more.
Understand Pricing
Prenatal check-up with healthcare provider.

Is Cord Blood Banking Worth It

As more and more families choose to invest in their newborn’s future with cord blood banking, you may be asking yourself if cord blood banking is right for your family.
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Questions About Cord Blood

Cord blood banking is a decision that many expectant parents consider, and it's important to weigh the potential benefits against the associated costs and uncertainties. The worth of cord blood banking depends on various factors, including your family's medical history, your values, and your future healthcare goals. 

Cord blood banking is an excellent choice for families looking to be at the cutting edge of medical progress, as it enables them to proactively store a potential treatment option.

Cord blood banking is primarily used for storing the stem cells found in a newborn's umbilical cord blood. These stem cells have unique properties that make them valuable for medical purposes. Today, the stored cord blood can be used for 80 FDA-Approved treatments for illnesses and diseases ranging from Sickle Cell Disease to Leukemias. There are also hundreds of clinical trials ongoing each year.

Cord blood stem cells are currently FDA-approved to treat over 80 conditions and diseases. This includes cancers, blood disorders, immune disorders, and metabolic disorders. View the full list here.

At Americord, we understand that cost is an important consideration when making decisions about cord blood banking. Our pricing structure is designed to provide flexibility and affordability to our clients while ensuring the highest standards of service and quality. The cost of cord blood banking at Americord includes collection, processing, and storage. The total price starts at $3,799 and payment plans start as low as $131/mo.

Learn more about the cost of cord blood banking in this article: How Much Does Cord Blood Banking Cost?

Your baby's cord blood holds the potential to benefit both immediate family members, such as parents and siblings, as well as second-degree family members, like aunts, uncles, and grandparents. This means that not only can it provide essential support to your closest loved ones, but also offer a potential valuable resource for relatives beyond your immediate family circle.

Cord blood can be stored for an extended duration, making it a valuable asset for your family's future health needs. The preservation of cord blood is typically intended for the long term, and it can be stored for decades or even longer. Americord offers cord blood storage from 20 years to lifetime (78 years). This extended storage period ensures that the stem cells remain viable and effective for potential treatments, should the need arise in the years to come.