Family enjoying walk with their little one.

Add Exosome Banking

Preserve your baby's cord blood exosomes, and give them a valuable resource that could be used for future treatments.

* required

By submitting this form I confirm that I understand and consent to the addition of exosome banking to my existing stem cell banking order. I understand that by completing this form and checking this box, I give permission to Americord Registry to add exosomes banking to my account and order. I also acknowledge that the cost of exosome banking will be added to my existing stem cell banking fees and that I am responsible for any associated costs. I further acknowledge that Americord Registry will store my exosomes with the same level of care and security as my stem cells and that my exosomes will be subject to the same terms and conditions outlined in my existing stem cell banking agreement. By checking this box, I confirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions outlined above, and that I agree to add exosome banking to my existing stem cell banking order.

What if your child could access future regenerative medicine 40, 50, or even 70 years from now?

Baby laying on plush wrapped in rainbow swaddle

Have Questions? We'd LOVE to Help!

Schedule a Call With One of Our Experts to Answer Any Questions or to Add Exosome Banking to Your Existing Order

Clinical Trials Using Exosomes

Exciting advancements with cord-blood derived exosomes have made them the focus of many clinical trials to regulate immune responses, support wound healing, and even initiate cell growth and development:

A woman wearing a gray cloth on her head smiling and gazing at a distance.


Pancreatic Cancer 

Lung Cancer 

Metastatic Melanoma

A father and daughter having a doctor consultation.

Blood Disorders

Platelet Function 

Blood Coagulation 

Inflammatory Diseases

A woman experiencing lower back pain.

And Much More


Chronic low back pain 


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Plan for a happy and healthier future.

You’ve already made the right choice choosing Americord and our industry leading cord blood stem cell banking, now add exosomes banking at a 20% discount.

A young girl kissing her pregnant mom's baby bump.